FAQ: Frequently asked questions
Below we have compiled the most frequently asked questions we receive from our patients in a FAQ. If you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to give us a call - we're ready to help you on the phone.
Give us a call
If you are prevented from attending at the agreed time, you must cancel no later than 24 hours before your appointment. If you do not cancel, you risk receiving a no-show bill of DKK 300,66,-
You can cancel by calling 3670 7600.
We settle at the reception on the same day.
You can pay with:
1. All credit cards
2. MobilePay.
3. Cash for amounts up to DKK 14.999,-
You can see our prices here.
Going to the dentist shouldn't hurt. That's why at PLUS1 we always make sure you are 100% pain-free during your treatment.
If you are very afraid of needles, we can also provide surface anesthesia before an injection.
We do not offer general anesthesia at the clinic.
We do not offer dental treatment for children under the age of 12, but refer to the school dental care in the municipality where the child lives.
Our dental chairs are approved for 140 kg. If you need more than that, we recommend you contact Tandlægerne Christian Ravn in Køge.
We are pleased to have disability-friendly access at all our clinics.
Due to the staff's ergonomic working environment, we unfortunately cannot offer help with lifting patients from wheelchair to dental chair during visits to the clinic.
We cannot offer treatment while you are in your wheelchair.
If you cannot get from your wheelchair to the dental chair yourself, you are very welcome to bring a relative who can help you.
Once you are registered in our booking system, you can log in and view your invoices in the system for the past year. They are located under 'My page'.
All our clinics are close to public transportation. You can see how to find us on the clinic pages.
Ballerup Healthcare Center
Copenhagen by Tivoli
Rødovre Centrum
You can find information about your parking options on our clinic pages:
Ballerup Healthcare Center
Copenhagen by Tivoli
Rødovre Centrum
If you do not pay your bill on time and we have to send a reminder for payment, we will charge an extra DKK 100,-.
If you are unfortunate enough to suffer an injury in connection with your dental treatment, such as tooth loss due to lack of diagnosis and treatment or a broken root file, you can apply for compensation.
You must apply through the Patient Compensation Association.
It's easy to change dentists. If you would like to become a patient with us, simply contact us. You can do this in one of the following ways:
1. Call us on 3670 7600.
2. Fill out a form and we will call you.
We look forward to welcoming you to the clinic.
See 'Cancellation'.