Teeth Day

Dental treatment for the socially disadvantaged

Teeth Day

We help vulnerable citizens who, for one reason or another, are unable to pay for dental treatment themselves.

The aim is to help socially disadvantaged people with better dental health.

Good dental health leads to better overall health and quality of life - and you no longer need to cover your mouth when you smile.

Smile Again Foundation

We give back to the community

The aim is to help give back to create overall better health, provide a higher level of quality of life and generally help selected people so they no longer need to cover their mouth when they smile.

Camilla Kirkeby, owner of PLUS1 and the woman behind Teeth Day, says:

- We are proud to give back to the community. We can see that it makes a huge difference for patients to get their teeth fixed.

- As a company, it is very important to us that our employees want to use their skills in the dental profession to make a difference for the socially vulnerable. We are proud of that," says Camilla Kirkeby.

Teeth Day 2025

We will celebrate Teeth Day again on January 17, 2025. You can read about the day and the criteria for receiving treatment below.

Teeth Day

In January 2024, we opened the doors of our four clinics for a whole day to offer free treatment to the socially vulnerable. We call it Teeth Day.

Although we don't get into extensive restoration of a set of teeth on that day, many citizens visited the clinics and it was a huge success.

That's why we have decided to hold the day again in 2025. A date for Teeth Day has not yet been set.

Dentist Camilla Kirkeby (left) treats a patient with the help of the clinic assistant.

Ballerup Healthcare Center

Copenhagen by Tivoli Gardens

Rødovre Center

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