Grants through

Health insurance 'denmark'

As a member of 'danmark' you can get a subsidy for your treatment and save money on dental bills.

Health insurance 'denmark'

If you want a subsidy for your dental treatment, you can get it through private insurance schemes, including Sygeforsikringen "danmark". As a member of Sygeforsikringen "danmark", you can choose between four different groups and supplement with optional insurance.

The insurance provides subsidies for a wide range of treatments at the dentist.
You are eligible for reimbursement if you are a member of either group 1, 2 or 5.

The amount of the subsidy depends on which insurance group you belong to. Under our prices, you can click on the group you belong to and see your subsidy.

Practical information

  • Most dentists will report your bill digitally to your private insurance plan and the money will be automatically transferred to your account.
  • If you have received municipal financial support for a payment expense that is later reimbursed by your insurance scheme, this amount must usually be repaid.
  • In order to receive reimbursement for the treatment, it is a condition that it is performed by a dentist in private practice in an EU/EEA country.

Not a member of "danmark"?

If you don't qualify for free dental care, you can find out how to get a subsidy through

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